

13 Messages from Milo

If we spend less time texting horrible messages and posting inappropriate things on social media, we might be less judgmental and have happier places to live and work. Learn about the 13 character counts, inspired by real life experiences, that are guaranteed to make your life better.

  1. Be Positive (Fri, 1/21 @ 11 A.M.)
  2. Be Genuine (Fri, 2/18 @ 11 A.M.)
  3. Accept (Fri, 3/18 @ 11 A.M.)
  4. Love One Another (Fri, 4/15 @ 11 A.M.)
  5. Communicate & Listen (Fri, 5/20 @ 11 A.M.)
  6. Work Together (Fri, 6/17 @ 11 A.M.)
  7. Be Curious (Fri, 7/17 @ 11 A.M.)
  8. Inspire (Fri, 8/19 @ 11 A.M.)
  9. Coach (Fri, 9/16 @ 11 A.M.)
  10. Use Your Talents (Fri, 10/21 @ 11 A.M.)
  11. Be Creative (Fri, 11/18 @ 11 A.M.)
  12. Trust (Fri, 12/16 @ 11 A.M.)
Advocacy 101: ME! Lessons for Self-Awareness & Self-Advocacy

Self-determination skills, such as self-advocacy and self-awareness, have the potential to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. This series was built from ME! Lessons developed by the University of Oklahoma’s Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment with the support of the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Council. Earn your Advocacy 101 badge by attending all 6 live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Understanding Self-awareness & Self-advocacy (Fri, 1/7 @ 11 A.M.)
  2. Learning About My Rights & Responsibilities (Fri, 2/4 @ 11 A.M.)
  3. Improving My Communication Skills (Fri, 3/4 @ 11 A.M.)
  4. Increasing My Self-Awareness (Fri, 4/1 @ 11 A.M.)
  5. Advocating For My Needs After High School (Fri, 5/6 @ 11 A.M.)
  6. Developing My Resources (Fri, 6/3 @ 11 A.M.)
Advocacy 201: Whose Future Is It Anyway?

Helps prepare individuals for their IEP and ISP meetings and gain self-determination skills. This series was built from Whose Future Is It Anyway? curriculum developed by the University of Kansas Beach Center on Disability. Earn your Advocacy 201 badge by attending all 6 live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Getting to know you | Understanding My Individualized Service Plan (Fri, 7/1 @ 11 A.M.)
  2. Making Decisions (Fri, 8/5 @ 11 A.M.)
  3. How to Get What You Need (Fri, 9/2 @ 11 A.M.)
  4. Goals, Objectives, and the Future (Fri, 10/7 @ 11 A.M.)
  5. Communicating (Fri, 11/4 @ 11 A.M.)
  6. Thank You, Honorable Chairperson (Fri, 12/2 @ 11 A.M.)
The Advocacy Army: We Make A Difference

The Advocacy Army is designed to help individuals work together to advocate for things that are important to them. Each month the group will focus on one issue that can positively impact the lives of individuals with disabilities. The Advocacy Army will meet twice per month. The first session will review the issue and discuss the plan of action. The second working session will be used to help each other put the plan into action. Earn your We Make A Difference badge by attending all 12 live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Communication barriers: Written health promotion messages, captioning on videos, plain language
    (Overview: 1/14 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 1/28 @ 11 A.M. )
  2. Transportation barriers: Lack of access to accessible or convenient transportation
    (Overview: 2/11 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 2/25 @ 11 A.M. )
  3. Pass the Disability Integration Act – The right to live in your own home and make your own life choices is about as fundamental as it gets.
    (Overview: 3/11 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 3/25 @ 11 A.M. )
  4. Access to quality affordable mental health care
    (Overview: 4/8 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 4/22 @ 11 A.M. )
  5. Accessibility infrastructure – Disabled Access Credit Expansion Act, which would double the tax credit for renovations to improve accessibility and increase the number of small businesses that are eligible to receive it.
    (Overview: 5/13 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 5/27 @ 11 A.M. )
  6. Lack of affordable and accessible housing – restore the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule and increase in federal rental assistance, guarantee legal counsel of people with DD facing eviction
    (Overview: 6/10 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 6/24 @ 11 A.M. )
  7. Children with disabilities, especially those who are also people of color, often have unequal access to educational resources, despite the law guaranteeing such access – enforce the Equity in IDEA rule
    (Overview: 7/8 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 7/22 @ 11 A.M. )
  8. Social Barriers: Related to the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, learn, work and age – social determinants of health – Employment opportunities, high school grad rates, income inequality, disparity, violence
    (Overview: 8/12 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 8/26 @ 11 A.M. )
  9. Reduce Work Disincentives: Double the length of the Social Security Trial Work Period, Double the amount of Social Security’s measurement of Substantial Gainful Activity, Make Medicaid eligibility permanent, regardless of income, for anyone needing long term care
    (Overview: 9/9 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 9/23 @ 11 A.M. )
  10. Require nation-wide mandatory training for all law enforcement on dealing with disabled people
    (Overview: 10/14 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 10/28 @ 11 A.M. )
  11. Appoint disabled people to top administrative posts: Board Members, and government and policy-making positions
    (Overview: 11/11 @ 11 A.M.)
  12. Programmatic Barriers: Provider’s attitudes, knowledge, and understanding of people with disabilities, limited availability and accessibility of skills training
    (Overview: 12/9 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 12/23 @ 11 A.M. )

All Choices Matter

Character 101

Good character includes traits like loyalty, honesty, courage, integrity, and other important virtues that promote good behavior. A person with good character chooses to do the right thing because he or she believes it is the right thing to do. Learn about important character traits and strengthen your character. Earn your Character 101 badge by attending all 6 live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Attitude / Self Esteem (Fri, 1/14 & Fri, 7/8 @ 2 P.M.)
  2. Courage (Fri, 1/21 & Fri, 7/15 @ 2 P.M.)
  3. Creativity (Fri, 1/28 & Fri, 7/22 @ 2 P.M.)
  4. Determination (Fri, 2/4 & Fri, 7/29 @ 2 P.M.)
  5. Emotions (Fri, 2/11 & Fri, 8/5 @ 2 P.M.)
  6. Gratitude (Fri, 2/18 & Fri, 8/12 @ 2 P.M.)
Character 201

Develop your character by learning essential traits of good leaders and teammates. Earn your Character 201 badge by attending all 6 live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Human Rights / Inclusion (Fri, 4/8 & Fri, 9/30 @ 2 P.M.)
  2. Kindness (Fri, 4/15 & Fri, 10/7 @ 2 P.M.)
  3. Leadership (Fri, 4/22 & Fri, 10/14 @ 2 P.M.)
  4. Motivation (Fri, 4/29 & Fri, 10/21 @ 2 P.M.)
  5. Perseverance (Fri, 5/6 & Fri, 10/28 @ 2 P.M.)
  6. Uniqueness (Fri, 5/13 & Fri, 11/4 @ 2 P.M.)
Tough Stuff 101

Learn about the tough things people unfortunately face every day and ways to navigate them. Earn your Tough Stuff 101 badge by attending all 6 live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Abuse (Fri, 2/25 & Fri, 8/19 @ 2 P.M.)
  2. Addiction (Fri, 3/4 & Fri, 8/26 @ 2 P.M.)
  3. Bullying (Fri, 3/11 & Fri, 9/2 @ 2 P.M.)
  4. Conflict Resolution (Fri, 3/18 & Fri, 9/9 @ 2 P.M.)
  5. Environment / Recycling (Fri, 3/25 & Fri, 9/16 @ 2 P.M.)
  6. Grief / Mental Health (Fri, 4/1 & Fri, 9/23 @ 2 P.M.)
Tough Stuff 201

Learn about the stuff that makes life tough and ways to deal with it. Earn your Tough Stuff 201 badge by attending all 6 live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Safety (Fri, 5/20 & Fri, 11/11 @ 2 P.M.)
  2. Human Trafficking (Fri, 5/27 & Fri, 11/18 @ 2 P.M.)
  3. Self-Improvement (Fri, 6/3 & Fri, 12/2 @ 2 P.M.)
  4. Sexting (Fri, 6/10 & Fri, 12/9 @ 2 P.M.)
  5. Stress (Fri, 6/17 & Fri, 12/16 @ 2 P.M.)
  6. Suicide Prevention (Fri, 6/24 & Fri, 12/23 @ 2 P.M.)

Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy 101

Change your life forever. Learn how to make money, save money, and make your money work for you. Earn your Financial Literacy 101 badge by attending all 6 live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Earning Money (Employee, Independent Contractor, Under the table, Side Hustles, allowance, chores, first jobs, gifts | federal & state programs/benefits) (Thur, 1/6 & Thur, 6/30 @ 11 A.M.)
  2. Budget, manage money 25%,25%,25%,25% Why? (Earn, Donate, Save, Save, Spend) | savings for car, college, apartment | Keeping Records (Thur, 1/20 & Thur, 7/14 @ 11 A.M.)
  3. Budget, living on your own, or with a roommate | Expenses of Living on Your Own (Thur, 2/3 & Thur, 7/28 @ 11 A.M.)
  4. Making Good Decisions — Wants vs. Needs (Thur, 2/17 & Thur, 8/11 @ 11 A.M.)
  5. Digital Buying (Thur, 3/3 & Thur, 8/25 @ 11 A.M.)
  6. Cash vs. Invisible Money (credit & debit cards, online payments, checks) (Thur, 3/17 & Thur, 9/8 @ 11 A.M.)
Financial Literacy 201

Money, Money, Money! Learn how to manage your money to help you become more independent and reach your life goals. Earn your Financial Literacy 201 badge by attending all 6 live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Online banking, paying bills | Loans – Terms, Interest, Years, Minimum Payment (Inc Credit Cards) (Thur, 4/7 & Thur, 9/29 @ 11 A.M.)
  2. Choices, Comparison Shopping, Decision making (Thur, 4/21 & Thur, 10/13 @ 11 A.M.)
  3. Free trial periods – turn into monthly fees (Thur, 5/5 & Thur, 10/27 @ 11 A.M.)
  4. Communication – Talk to parents about money (ask, learn, avoid hard feelings) (Thur, 5/19 & Thur, 11/10 @ 11 A.M.)
  5. Credit matters – credit card offers, credit scores | Building Credit | Debit vs Credit Cards (Thur, 6/2 & Thur, 12/1 @ 11 A.M.)
  6. Paychecks, what does it look like, gross/net/deductions, direct deposit (Thur, 6/16  @ 11 A.M.)
Financial Literacy Discussion Group

Let’s talk about money. Learn new skills, avoid common mistakes, and discover ways to overcome barriers to financial freedom.

The topics include:

  1. Barriers to financial success – obstacles, mistakes (Thur, 1/13 & Thur, 7/7 @ 11 A.M.)
  2. Debit and Credit Cards – differences (Thur, 1/27 & Thur, 7/21 @ 11 A.M.)
  3. Gambling – odds of winning (Thur, 2/10 & Thur, 8/4 @ 11 A.M.)
  4. Insurance – car, life, health (Thur, 2/24 & Thur, 8/18 @ 11 A.M.)
  5. Investments – Own a part of McDonalds, 401K (Thur, 3/10 & Thur, 9/1 @ 11 A.M.)
  6. Taxes – Federal, State, City, Sales, Social Security (Thur, 3/24 & Thur, 9/15 @ 11 A.M.)
  7. Loans – Terms, Interest, Years, Minimum Payment (Inc Credit Cards) (Thur, 4/14 & Thur, 10/6 @ 11 A.M.)
  8. Credit Score – Fixing (Thur, 4/28 & Thur, 10/20 @ 11 A.M.)
  9. Predatory lending, check cashing storefronts, payday loans (Thur, 5/12 & Thur, 11/3 @ 11 A.M.)
  10. Paying bills, cash, by app, PayPal, Amazon Pay, VMO (Thur, 5/26 & Thur, 11/17 @ 11 A.M.)
  11. Apps/ in App purchases (Thur, 6/9 & Thur, 12/8 @ 11 A.M.)
  12. Financial Independence (Thur, 6/23 & Thur, 12/22 @ 11 A.M.)

Health and Wellness

Health & Wellness 101

Designed to help you understand your health and learn ways to improve your overall well-being. It’s time to take control of your health to ensure you can live the healthiest, happiest life possible. Earn your Health & Wellness 101 badge by attending all six live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Understanding Your Health (Mon, 1/17 & Mon, 7/11 @ 11 A.M.)
  2. Understanding Your Numbers (Mon, 1/24 & Mon, 7/25 @ 11 A.M.)
  3. Eat (Mon, 2/14 & Mon, 8/8 @ 11 A.M.)
  4. Move (Mon, 2/28 & Mon, 8/22 @ 11 A.M.)
  5. Sleep (Mon, 3/14 & Mon, 9/12 @ 11 A.M.)
  6. Relax (Mon, 3/28 & Mon, 9/26 @ 11 A.M.)
Health & Wellness 201

Teaching you how to achieve optimal wellness by exploring each of the 9 Dimensions of Wellness. Earn your Health & Wellness 201 badge by attending all six live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Emotional Wellness (Mon, 4/11 & Mon, 10/10 @ 11 A.M.)
  2. Spiritual & Intellectual Wellness (Mon, 4/25 & Mon, 10/24 @ 11 A.M.)
  3. Social & Creative Wellness (Mon, 5/9 & Mon, 11/14 @ 11 A.M.)
  4. Physical & Environmental Wellness (Mon, 5/23 & Mon, 11/28 @ 11 A.M.)
  5. Occupational Wellness (Mon, 6/13 & Mon, 12/12 @ 11 A.M.)
  6. Financial Wellness (Mon, 6/27 @ 11 A.M.)

Life Skills

Life Skills 101

Designed to help individuals reach their goals and become more independent. Earn your Life Skills 101 badge by attending all six live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Healthy Lifestyle: Move, Eat, Sleep, Relax, 9 Dimensions of Wellness (Mon, 1/3 & Mon, 7/18 @ 11 A.M.)
  2. Good Hygiene & Appropriate Dress (Mon, 1/17 & Mon, 8/1 @ 11 A.M.)
  3. Social Emotional Skills | Conflict Resolution (Mon, 2/7 & Mon, 8/15 @ 11 A.M.)
  4. Manners/ Appropriate Behavior (Mon, 2/21 & Mon, 9/19 @ 11 A.M.)
  5. Internet Safety (Mon, 3/7 & Mon, 10/3 @ 11 A.M.)
  6. Friendships, Dating & Relationships (Mon, 3/21 & Mon, 10/17 @ 11 A.M.)
Life Skills 201

Learn important skills designed to help you take control over your life and become more independent. Earn your Life Skills 201 badge by attending all six live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Time Management (Mon, 4/4 & Mon, 11/7 @ 11 A.M.)
  2. Cooking & Meal Prep (Mon, 4/18 & Mon, 11/21 @ 11 A.M.)
  3. Laundry & Housework (Mon, 5/2 & Mon, 12/5 @ 11 A.M.)
  4. Money Management (Mon, 5/16 & Mon, 12/19 @ 11 A.M.)
  5. Job Skills & Finding a Job (Mon, 6/6 @ 11 A.M.)
  6. Basic First Aid & CPR (Mon, 6/20 @ 11 A.M.)

Tech Training

Tech training 101: Virtual Independence

Teaching only the skills necessary for you to use the tools, programs and devices that have the potential to improve your life and give you more independence. Learn new skills, save time and money, have fun, connect with friends, and find ways to learn, work, create, and thrive in today’s digital age. Earn your Virtual Independence 101 badge by attending all 11 live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Computers, Tablets, Smartphones for Beginners (Tue, 1/11 &  Tue, 7/12@ 11 A.M.)
  2. Internet & Internet Safety for Beginners (Tue, 1/25 &  Tue, 7/26 @ 11 A.M.)
  3. Email for Beginners – Gmail (Tue, 2/8 &  Tue, 8/9 @ 11 A.M.)
  4. YouTube for Beginners (Tue, 2/22 &  Tue, 8/23 @ 11 A.M.)
  5. Zoom for Beginners (Tue, 3/8 &  Tue, 9/13 @ 11 A.M.)
  6. Facebook and Facebook Messenger for Beginners (Tue, 3/22 &  Tue, 9/27 @ 11 A.M.)
  7. Listening to Music Online for Beginners – Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora (Tue, 4/12 &  Tue, 10/11 @ 11 A.M.)
  8. Online Shopping for Beginners – Amazon, Walmart (Tue, 4/26 &  Tue, 10/25 @ 11 A.M.)
  9. TikTok for Beginner (Tue, 5/10 &  Tue, 11/8 @ 11 A.M.)
  10. Instagram for Beginner (Tue, 5/24 &  Tue, 11/22 @ 11 A.M.)
  11. Smart Homes for Beginners – Alexa, Ring (Tue, 6/16 &  Tue, 12/13 @ 11 A.M.)

Workforce Readiness

Workforce Readiness 101

Develop the skills employers are looking for in employees. Learn about the 15 skills outlined by OhioMeansJobs, stand out from the crowd, and take charge of your future. Earn your Workforce Readiness 101 badge by attending all 5 live sessions or by watching and completing the online learning modules.

The topics include:

  1. Reliability, Work Ethic, Punctuality (Tue, 1/18,  Tue, 4/19, Tue, 7/19 &  Tue, 10/18 @ 11 A.M.)
  2. Discipline, Teamwork/Collaboration, Professionalism (Tue, 2/1,  Tue, 5/3, Tue, 8/2 &  Tue, 11/1 @ 11 A.M.)
  3. Career Management, Drug Free, Learning Agility (Tue, 2/15,  Tue, 5/17, Tue, 8/16 &  Tue, 11/15 @ 11 A.M.)
  4. Critical Thinking/Problem-Solving, Leadership, Creativity/Innovation (Tue, 3/1,  Tue, 6/7, Tue, 9/6 &  Tue, 12/6 @ 11 A.M.)
  5. Oral and Written Communications, Digital Technology, Global/Intercultural Fluency (Tue, 3/15,  Tue, 6/21, Tue, 9/20 &  Tue, 12/20 @ 11 A.M.)

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