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Total Cholesterol
Results Range |
Classification |
Less than 200 mg/dl | Desirable |
200 – 239 mg/dl | Borderline High |
240 mg/dl and over | High |
HDL (Good) Cholesterol
Results Range |
Classification |
Greater then 60 mg/dl | Desirable |
Less than 40 mg/dl | At Risk (Men) |
Less than 50 mg/dl | At Risk (Women) |
LDL (Bad) Cholesterol
Results Range |
Classification |
Less than 100 mg/dl | Desirable |
100 – 129 mg/dl | Near Ideal |
130 – 159 mg/dl | Borderline High |
160 – 190 mg/dl | High |
Greater than 190 mg/dl | Very High |
Results Range |
Classification |
Less than 150 mg/dl | Desirable |
150 – 199 mg/dl | Borderline High |
200 – 499 mg/dl | High |
Greater than 500 mg/dl | Very High |
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