Leadership Summit

Virtual Leadership Summit

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 | 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

The Leadership Summit will feature local and national speakers who specialize in engaging and inspiring people to be positive change agents, to be passionate, and to take charge of their future.

Attendees will learn what it means to be a leader, in all aspects: Discipline, Integrity, Creativity, Passion, and Perseverance.

Attendees will also learn how to be an entrepreneur, an innovator, an inventor, and how to bring about positive change in their community and in the world!

Be the Leader People Seek to Follow!  Register Now!
Participate virtually as a group  or individually at home.
Please enter a number from 1 to 500.

Learn more or Register by Phone or Email
  • Email: alyssa@family21apparel.com
  • Phone: 330-727-9452 | 513-800-3173 | 216-339-2005 | 440-478-5640 | 614-400-0113 | 937-499-3739 | 740-588-3140 | 419-377-3271