The Advocacy Army

Current Advocacy Topic

January 2022 – Advocating to Eliminate Communication Barriers

Communication Barriers

  • Includes anything that prevents or disables communicators to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time, or a receiver to get and understand the right message at the right time

Barriers to Effective Communication

  • Linguistic Barriers – Language
  • Psychological Barriers – Mental and Psychological Issues
  • Emotional Barriers – Emotional IQ
  • Physical Barriers – Environment and Tools
  • Cultural Barriers – Customs, Beliefs, and Values
  • Attitude Barriers – Introverts vs. Extroverts
  • Perception Barriers –  Interpretation
  • Physiological Barriers – Disorders or Diseases
  • Technological  Barriers – Access and Use of Tech
  • Socio-religious Barriers – Beliefs

Inclusive Language

  • Acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equitable opportunities
  • Used in emails, marketing material, social media, websites, and other forms of communication
  • All work should be free from words, phrases, or tones that demean, insult, or exclude people based on their membership within a certain group or because of a particular attribute

People First Language

  • Like all communities, the disability community has its own preferred terminology. This is referred to as Person (or People) First Language
  • Putting the person first means treating others as you would want to be treated
  • Puts the person first in word and thought
  • Is accurate without being judgmental
  • Does not mention disabilities if it has nothing to do with a conversation

Call To Action | To Do List | Next Steps

  1. Join us for The Advocacy Working Session on January 28th @ 11 AM (Register Here)
  2. Bring a friend (Click Here)
  3. Review guidelines below

Guidelines To Review

Meeting Schedule

  1. Communication barriers: Written health promotion messages, captioning on videos, plain language
    (Overview: 1/14 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 1/28 @ 11 A.M. )
  2. Transportation barriers: Lack of access to accessible or convenient transportation
    (Overview: 2/11 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 2/25 @ 11 A.M. )
  3. Pass the Disability Integration Act – The right to live in your own home and make your own life choices is about as fundamental as it gets.
    (Overview: 3/11 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 3/25 @ 11 A.M. )
  4. Access to quality affordable mental health care
    (Overview: 4/8 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 4/22 @ 11 A.M. )
  5. Accessibility infrastructure – Disabled Access Credit Expansion Act, which would double the tax credit for renovations to improve accessibility and increase the number of small businesses that are eligible to receive it.
    (Overview: 5/13 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 5/27 @ 11 A.M. )
  6. Lack of affordable and accessible housing – restore the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule and increase in federal rental assistance, guarantee legal counsel of people with DD facing eviction
    (Overview: 6/10 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 6/24 @ 11 A.M. )
  7. Children with disabilities, especially those who are also people of color, often have unequal access to educational resources, despite the law guaranteeing such access – enforce the Equity in IDEA rule
    (Overview: 7/8 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 7/22 @ 11 A.M. )
  8. Social Barriers: Related to the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, learn, work and age – social determinants of health – Employment opportunities, high school grad rates, income inequality, disparity, violence
    (Overview: 8/12 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 8/26 @ 11 A.M. )
  9. Reduce Work Disincentives: Double the length of the Social Security Trial Work Period, Double the amount of Social Security’s measurement of Substantial Gainful Activity, Make Medicaid eligibility permanent, regardless of income, for anyone needing long term care
    (Overview: 9/9 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 9/23 @ 11 A.M. )
  10. Require nation-wide mandatory training for all law enforcement on dealing with disabled people
    (Overview: 10/14 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 10/28 @ 11 A.M. )
  11. Appoint disabled people to top administrative posts: Board Members, and government and policy-making positions
    (Overview: 11/11 @ 11 A.M.)
  12. Programmatic Barriers: Provider’s attitudes, knowledge, and understanding of people with disabilities, limited availability and accessibility of skills training
    (Overview: 12/9 @ 11 A.M. | Discussion/Action Session: 12/23 @ 11 A.M. )

About The Advocacy Army

The Advocacy Army is designed to help individuals work together to advocate for things that are important to them. Each month the group will focus on one issue that can positively impact the lives of individuals with disabilities. The Advocacy Army will meet twice per month. The first session (2nd Friday of  the month) will review the issue and discuss the plan of action. The second working session (4th Friday of  the month) will be used to help each other put the plan into action.